About Me

Greetings from Central MA.  My name is Coreen. I live in Worcester, MA, which is in central MA about a hour west of Boston. I am student at BU pursuing a Master of Science in Insurance Management. My classmates and I in ECommerce are setting up blogs to introduce us to each other and to the ECommerce world. I, for one, am new to blogs. I have somehow managed over the years to dodge the Myspace and Facebook worlds. I am excited to finally be catching up with the times! I named my blog Mini Me because I love my Mini Cooper and owning it tends to be a distinguishing characteristic.

You can probably deduce from my degree program that I am in the insurance industry. I have worked in the insurance claims realm for nearly 16 years. Time does certainly fly by! A cliche', but still very true. I have held many roles through the years from a claims adjuster in various areas, to a manager in various areas, to now a project manager. I am excited to see where my career path might lead me next!

Work and school do not leave a lot of free time, but I manage my husband and I manage to fill up what time is left with many activities. We are addicted to HGTV and find ourselves doing many home projects both inside and out. The work can be tough, but it is very rewarding when you see the end result of your efforts. We also love to travel and hike. Somehow we managed to spend our past two anniversaries doing both. We have decided that this year we will travel and relax rather than hike. We like to try different restaurants and wines, beer or drinks (which ever works best with the food) both at home and when we travel.

As for school, I am three classes away from completing my degree and am very excited about it. I am sure that my classmates will agree that it can be a tough balance with work and homelife. My husband is very supportive of my pursuing the degree as is my employer so that makes it much easier! I look forward to learning about ECommerce. It is an ever evolving world and ECommerce is not only the future, but the present as well!

In my blog I plan to post info and pictures related to our home projects and other interests. I hope you enjoy reading them!

